of political information: it gives the impression that some media organisations are being manipulated by the political parties. Progress
is seen both in the public and private organisations.
In the public media most of the reporters are trainees and volunteers who do not have the necessary experience and may lack accuracy in their reports. The tendency to comment and not to stick
to the facts as well as the lack of expertise leads to lack of professionalism. The principal hindrance of the Chadian media is still the
large number of volunteer reporters (in public media) that are not
properly trained and also the lack of good professionals (public and
private media). In the public media, these people will not have a
chance to learn from trained journalists because of their wage situation, work material conditions and interference and they prefer
to work for structures (international organizations, projects, etc…)
where their competence is better acknowledged and recognised.
The private media do not recognise being called “opposition media”. This qualification is due to the fact that private media is very
critical of what is not working in the country. The treatment of
information is sometimes distorted by journalists according to its
importance, the size or lack of the perdiems often given by institutions organizing press conferences, meetings, congresses, seminars
and workshops to participants and reporters.
Individual grades:

2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2


2, 4


The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007

Select target paragraph3