Sector 4:

The media organisations implement a high level
of professional standards.

The media follows willingly the professional code of
ethics which is applied by the self-regulating body.

The media implemented ethical and deontological codes in 2003.
They were accepted by all parties. A media observatory was established in 2004. However, one of the decisions was contested by one
organ with no firm reaction to it. ODEMET doesn’t have the membership of all organs and lacks effectiveness. The tool of his trade
is its deontological document, however, some journalist’s question
if ODEMET uses it, or if it has the means to its work. The contesting
and absence of ascendancy of ODEMET in the media organisations
are related to the way its members are appointed.
Individual grades :





The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of
accuracy and impartiality.

The standard according to accurateness is respected but not always.
We find sometimes lack of professionalism from other journalists
and also a tendency toward partiality. In treating the information
some journalists of the public media are biased towards the ruling
party and those of private media are biased towards the opposition
parties and civil society organizations. Impartiality is clearly applied
it comes to socio-economic issues. The problem is in the treatment
The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007


Select target paragraph3