dio-broadcast service in frequency modulation (FM) provided the
programs are broadcast within the national territory.
The issue of licence to operate radio-television services is done by
the High Media Council. Licences are issued for five (5) years renewable and subjected to conditions. The owner of a private radio
station is subject to a payment of confirmation of services 100 000
Fcfa and to an annual licence fee. This licence fee is 250 000 Fcfa
for radio related services; It varies between 500 000 Fcfa and 1 500
000 Fcfa for commercial radio stations. (NB: 1 euro = 656 Fcfa).
Individual grades

4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4,




The freedom of expression right is being practiced and
citizens including journalists practice their rights with
no fear.

In Chad, there is fear of expression because the country is emerging
from a very long period of dictatorship.
Furthermore, the ignorance about individual rights prevents some
citizens of exercising their freedom of expression. In the public media, some information considered sensitive (that related to the national security, for instance) is not broadcast unless authorized by
management. Auto-censorship and lack of professionalism prevents
some journalists from broadcasting some information that they consider compromising.
The freedom of expression in N’Djamena is more accepted. In most
cities and local provinces threat from traditional, administrative
and military authority prevents journalists and people in general
The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007


Select target paragraph3