from expressing themselves freely.
Some citizens, though educated and informed about it, refuse to
exercise their right of freedom of expression due to individual interests (access to posts and secure positions, etc…). Some journalists working for the public media think their «public servant status»
first, thus promoting government opinion and censuring other trends
and opinions.
Out of election period, opposition parties organize few activities
and are unable to mobilize public media as much as the ruling party
due to lack of finance. Because of this the opinion of the ruling
party prevails in the public media.
Individual grades:

4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3




There is no law restricting the freedom of expression such
as the excessive official state secret laws or laws which
interfere on the responsibility of the media.

Indeed, the freedom of expression is proclaimed in Chad. However,
under some dispositions of law 29 on the violation of the press, a
commission of censorship operated in the Ministry of Communication for 6 months in 2007, due to the state of emergency, that had to
aprove the publications before printing which led to the harassment
of journalists (Police raid in editorial offices of some newspapers,
harassment of the BBC correspondent following he events of April
13, 2006). In the exercise of their duties the commission limited
freedom and interference in the journalists’ responsibilities. Some

The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007

Select target paragraph3