Sector 1:

The freedom of expression, including the freedom
of the media, is really protected and promoted.

The freedom of expression, including the freedom of
the media is protected by the constitution and other laws.

The freedom of expression is protected by the Chadian constitution:
“Freedom and fundamental rights are recognized and conditions
and provisions of the constitution and the law protect the citizens”
(article 12); “Freedom of opinions and expressions, of communication, of conscience, of religion, of media, of association, of holding
meetings, of movement, demonstrations and processions are protected for all” (art.27).
Other laws related to the media regime in Chad, such as 29/PR/94
of 22 August 1994 reaffirm that. The first article of law 29 stipulates
“The freedom to express ideas and opinions by all means of communication is recognized to all citizens; the right to information is part
of the inalienable right of the citizens”. “The media and printing
works are free (article 2 of law 29). In this way, there is no need for
a permit or guarantee to publish a newspaper in Chad. However, the
person in charge must submit to the office of the Attorney General a
declaration of publication, on a stamped letterhead, signed by the
director of that publication (Article 15 of law 29). Every newspaper
is subject to the following copy rule: «Two copies of the publication
must be submitted to the office of the Attorney General and two
others to the national archives» (article 23 of law 29).
Audio-visual media is also free. (Art. 1 of law 43/PR/94, of 12 December 1994, on audio-visual media). Also every person or legal
entity of Chadian nationality can start, install and run a sound ra42

The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007

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