Agents can disclose and provide evidence of all unlawful conduct in the
public administration. Except in the case of slander, they do not incur any
administrative penalty or disciplinary measure. [Article 73]
Other articles set conditions, procedures and restrictions on access to public
information, as well as remedies.
Even though the Information and Communication Code contains provisions on
freedom of information, media and CSOs continue to advocate for a separate
freedom of information law. They claim that a new law will better serve the
interests of citizens than the current provisions.
Even so, the current provisions are hardly respected. State authorities seemingly
have a lot to hide. The salaries of ministers, for example, are kept secret (even
the Constitutional Court tried to discover these amounts and failed). Holders of
public information still emphasise the need to protect official secrets in order to
systematically prevent journalists and citizens from accessing information.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






1.7 (2007 = 1.4; 2009 = 4.8; 2011 = 1.4; 2014 = 1.2)

1.8 Websites, blogs and other digital platforms are
not required to register with, or obtain permission
from, state authorities
According to Article 252 of the Information and Communication Code,
multimedia news websites run directly or indirectly in Benin and irrespective
of whether they are paid or free must be authorised by the Broadcasting and
Communication Authority. However, creating and running blogs are not subject
to any prior authorisation.
The panellists noted that this requirement violates the principle of ‘internet
without borders’. While most ‘daily news’ websites publish their content from
within Benin, the panel noted that several news sites are now being hosted
outside the country.



Select target paragraph3