1.6 Confidential sources of information are protected
by law and/or the courts
The Information and Communication Code and the Media Ethics Code of Benin
recognise the need to protect journalists’ confidential sources. According to
Article 35 of the Information and Communication Code, ‘a journalist is bound
by professional secrecy. He can neither disclose the sources and origins of
information received confidentially nor can he be compelled to do so’.
The reality on the ground differs. Prosecutors, police investigators and the HAAC
often pressurise journalists to disclose their sources. Legal loopholes, such as
the need to preserve national security and other administrative mechanisms, are
abusively applied to force journalists to reveal confidential sources.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









2.6 (2007 = 1.0; 2009 = 1.3; 2011 = 1.0; 2014 = 1.5)

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens
Articles 70 to 107 of the Information and Communication Code are dedicated to
access to information. According to Articles 70 to 73:
Every citizen has the right to access documents or information held by a
public entity or by its agents in the performance of their duties.
This right is exercised on said documents or information, whether these
are retained by the public entity or by a third party. [Article 70]
Any public agent or entity that denies the right of access to public
sources of information must justify the decision. Any hindrance to the
rights of access to information is punishable by administrative and/or
judicial sanctions. [Article 71]
The right to access public sources of information is exercised regardless
of the form of the documents: written, graphic, sound, visual, digital or
otherwise. [Article 72]



Select target paragraph3