Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:





2.1 (2007 = n/a; 2009 = 4.8; 2011 = 4.9; 2014 = 4.6)

1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter internet
content unless in accordance with laws that
provide for restrictions that serve a legitimate
interest and are necessary for a democratic society,
and which are applied by independent courts
Agence Sud Presse, a news site that published information critical of the Roman
Catholic Church, suddenly went offline weeks before the Pope’s visit in 2011.
Claims that the state seeks to block or filter internet content are difficult to
verify. Most people are convinced that the state lacks the technical capacity to
do so, even if it wishes to. Panellists noted that no one could prove whether
the HAAC has the technical capabilities to block a website or not. The web
version of La Nouvelle Tribune has only managed to remain online because its
owners succeeded in disassociating the online version from the print version,
which had been banned by the HAAC. In a statement, they pointed out that the
site belonged to a Canadian company. The website has also changed its name in
the wake of these events by becoming ‘La Nouvelle Tribune Info+’.
The HAAC has banned3 all websites as part of its efforts to enforce the Information
Code, which subjects websites to an authorisation regime. It developed terms of
reference for websites and launched a call for applications for those keen on
obtaining authorisation to operate public information websites. All applications
are still being reviewed by the HAAC, even as the deadline for response set in the
terms of reference expired. ‘We are in a transition phase.’



Press release no. 0045-17/HAAC/PT/DC/SP-C of 21 December 2017.


Select target paragraph3