58 Covid-19 pandemic critics had urged authorities to proactively provide important information to the media. This will help the public in getting reliable information on the pandemic, instead of being misinformed by unverified content producers, particularly on social media. Tanzania has been in the international spotlight for not taking stern measures in fighting the pandemic as it is done by its neighbors, especially when it stopped daily updates on Covid-19. This decision may have led to speculation and a rise in mis/disinformation among the public. The last time Tanzania issued statistics on Covid-19 was on 29 April 2020, when the number of cases stood at 509. Note: this is a condensed version of the full country report, which can be accessed online. See also: — SDG 16 assessment and trend: major challenges remain; moderately improving — Freedom House report — RSF World Press Freedom Index ranking references (113) https://www.africafex.org/publication/analytical-report-on-the-safety-of-journalists-in-tanza- nia-2017-to-2019 (114) https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/10/tanzania-climate-of-fear-censorship-as-repression-mounts/ (115) https://rsf.org/en/tanzania (116) https://www.accessnow.org/internet-censorship-in-tanzania/ (117) https://ifex.org/censorship-in-tanzania-repressive-laws-continue-to-silence-dissent/ (118) https://crm.misa.org/upload/web/misa-tan-report-on-media-freedom.pdf (119) https://vikes.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Women-in-the-Media-in-Tanzania.pdf (120) https://ifex.org/tanzania-tramples-digital-rights-in-fight-against-covid-19/