(SNJ) on the need for a self-regulatory
instrument approved by media workers.
Over two hundred journalists attended
these meetings.

entries increased from 17 in the previous
year to 40, a one hundred percent jump.
MISA Botswana hosted its 13th media
awards ceremony and fundraising dinner
on 5 September 2008. The dinner was
attended by over 500 people.

The Code was also used as a platform for
monitoring the media coverage of the
elections. A report was produced and
submitted to the Editors for approval after
which was formally launched on 4 March
2009. For the first time in Mozambique a
report using scientific tools was designed
and unanimously approved by the Editors
in a National event.

MISA Zambia held the annual MISA Zambia
media awards on 13 February, 2009 at
Mulungushi International Conference
Centre which was graced by the Minister
of Information and Broadcasting Services
Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha
and several MISA Zambia cooperating
partners and media associations and
representatives of media institutions.
MISA- Malawi, Namibia and MISAMozambique also held media awards in the
course of 2008.

Media Awards
MISA held its media awards at its AGM in
August 2008. The Press Freedom award
was awarded to Professor Fackson Banda,
a leading media academic and freedom of
expression activist from Zambia.

MISA-Tanzania fundraised for awards
amounting to US$6 500 on anticorruption and good governance to fifteen
journalists. Journalists were recognised
for their excellence in informing people
about corruption and governance issues in
the country. The prizes were handed to the
winners during the commemoration of the

Publicity for the John Manyarara
Investigative journalism award was done
through the printing and distribution of
posters, each national chapter launched
the awards with a press conference and


on media relations and a community
dialogue in Kasane on World AIDS day in
December 2009.

Right to Know Day. One of the interesting
things was that most award winners were
those trained on investigative stories
under MISA-Tanzania civic alliance
against corruption grouping Millennium
Challenge Account project. There was
publicity of the awards through press
conference and posters. MISA-Tanzania
held a press conference to introduce
regional John Manyarara Media Award to
Tanzanian journalists, and called them to
participate in the competition.

At a national chapter level, MISA Namibia
hosted a series of breakfast meetings
during the 16 Days of Activism in November
2008 as well as being appointed to sit on
the Ombudsman Communities on Human
Rights. MISA Namibia also facilitated
discussion both on radio and television
with various stakeholders both from civil
society as well as in the media in looking
at issues around gender based violence
as well as human right issues. Following
support from Global AIDS Alliance, MISA
Namibia commissioned a series of papers
on the HIV and AIDS and its relation to
reproductive health.

HIV-AIDS and Gender
MISA Botswana continued to play an
important role in the fight against HIV
and AIDS. The Chapter continued with its
partnership with ZAMCOM in Zambia and
American international health Alliance
(AIHA) in effort to guide the reportage
on the scourge. MISA Botswana held a
number of workshops in which refreshed
the skills of media practitioners on ways
to report about HIV and AIDS. The chapter
also moved a step further by involving
other NGOs by holding two workshops

In partnership with GEMSA MISAMozambique organized on 18-19
December 2008 a workshop on media and
Gender in Nampula province. About 25
participants from the northern provinces
of Mozambique took part. This was the
last in series of Workshops organized
with GEMSA. MISA-Mozambique had
previously covered the South and Centre


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