Programme D:

Programme D:


MISA activities under Programme D in
the year being reported focused on media
support projects that include Media
Professionalism, Media Accountability,
Gender in the Media, HIV and AIDS in
the media, Elections and the Media, the
Scholarship Exchange Programme and the
On-Line Publishing skills Training. Other
support projects include commissioning
and conducting of research that is meant to
assist the media in their quest of providing
valuable services to the citizenry. In line
with this, MISA continued to support the
setting up of Media Councils in the region
as well as training and skills development.

Working with others partners, MISA
has succeeded in setting up the Media
Council of Zimbabwe. The Media Council of
Zimbabwe is now functioning and has been
assisted to fundraise its own resources.
As part of supporting self-regulation
MISA has partnered FES in developing
a sustainability plan as well as seeking

support for Media Councils in the region.
An amount of Euro 50 000 – applicable
between January 2009 and December
2009) - has been provided by FES to
support media councils sustainability in
the region.
In Zambia, MISA-Zambia held several
meetings with partner organisations to
resuscitate the Media Council of Zambia
(MECOZ). These took place in November,
2008, and a follow-up meeting was held
at Panos. The participants at the meeting
agreed that MECOZ could be remodelled
so that it could include more media
institutions. This process is being finalised
in the New Year.
MISA-Mozambique is working to support
the setting up of a media council in
Mozambique. A Code of Ethics was
approved in Beira by editors of main
media houses in Mozambique. This code
was used during the campaign and voting
during the Municipal Elections held in
43 municipalities on 19 November 2008.
In pursuit of this goal, three regional
conferences were held to find a common
platform with the Union of Journalists


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