CAMEROON, Yaoundé : Police makes
a security cordon around Cameroonian
journalists on May 3, 2010 in Yaounde.
Police in Cameroon forcefully stopped
several hundred journalists from staging
a demonstration on world press freedom
day to call attention to the recent death
of an editor held in detention. The banner reads ‘We are all Biby Ngota’. AFP

Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho,
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Angola.

(practical support to journalists who face

The training was attended by:
ß A consultant from Southern African
region Derek Luyt, Head - Media and
Advocacy, Public Service Accountability
Monitor (PSAM) Centre for Social
Accountability, Rhodes University
ß Ms. Malou Mangahas, Executive Director
of the Philippine Center for Investigative
Journalism (South-East Asia)
• 20 Senior Journalists from Botswana,
Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa,
Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
• Representatives from MISA Regional
• Representatives from UNDP

MISA undertook trips to trouble spots
in the region such as Tanzania and
Swaziland. In Tanzania, MISA secured
resources to provide assist Mwanahalisi
Newspaper to launch a lawsuit against
the Tanzania government in an attempt
to seek nullification of provision 25(1)
(2) of The Newspaper Act. The Act
was earlier used by the Minister of
Information, Culture and Sports to ban
publication of Mwanahalisi Newspaper
from 13 October 2008 to 12 January
2009 for publishing stories allegedly
aimed to incite public hatred against the
President and provoking disorder within
the President’s family.

Both UNDP and MISA believe that training
journalists in investigative journalism with
a particular focus on the social, political
and economic circumstances under which
they work would significantly contribute
to mobilizing public participation in the
fight against corruption.

Furthermore the petitioner (Mwanahalisi
Newspaper) is seeking a declaration that
the said provisions under the Act are not
saved by the provision of Article 30(2) of
the constitution.

SADC Journalists Under Fire Campaign

MISA fought aggressively for the repeal of
repressive laws in Swaziland and to expose
injustices committed against journalists


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