World Press Freedom Day

reportage on child issues and child
rights, understanding the situation of
children in southern Africa, discussions
on conventions and laws protecting
children’s rights as well as planning the
project implementation.

MISA chapters spearheaded the national
celebrations of World Press Freedom Day
on May 3, 2009. As part of the events
the annual state of the media report, So
This is Democracy?, was also launched. In
environments such as Angola, MISA could
only issue a press statement as a result of
restrictions on public gatherings and as a
result ten events were held in ten national

The training provided skills to MISA’s
national staff to carry out research and
training of identified media houses in their
particular countries. Hence a quantitative
and qualitative research project as well as
two group discussions with children was
conducted in Zambia, Lesotho, Swaziland,
and Botswana. In addition MISA
contracted MMA to conduct training for
two media houses in Lesotho, Botswana,
Swaziland and Zambia respectively. The
information gathered from the qualitative
and quantitative media monitoring
research as well as the group discussions
provided the practical content for a
guide for media practitioners on ethical
reporting on issues concerning children.
This guide will be compiled, printed and
distributed to all the SADC countries.

Child Reporting
Monitoring (Botswana,
Swaziland, Lesotho,
As part of the pilot project on Child
Reporting Monitoring, a two-day training
programme for six MISA Information and
Advocacy officers was held in Johannesburg
on 27-28 July in collaboration with Media
Monitoring Africa (MMA). The Research
and Information Officers of MISA-Zambia,
MISA-Botswana as well as two Regional
Office Staff attended the training. The
training involved analyzing the media


CAMEROON, Yaoundé : Police makes a security cordon
around Cameroonian journalists on May 3, 2010 in
Yaounde. Police in Cameroon forcefully stopped several
hundred journalists from staging a demonstration on
world press freedom day to call attention to the recent
death of an editor held in detention. The banner reads ‘We
are all Biby Ngota’. AFP PHOTO / STR

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