Media professionals have access to training
facilities offering formal qualification programmes as
well as opportunities to upgrade skills
Media-related courses are offered at two of Lesotho’s tertiary education
• Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS) of the National University of
Lesotho - Mass Communications
• Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (the local campus of an
international university founded in Malaysia) - Advertising and Journalism.
Some panellists felt that these courses do not meet the needs of the local media
industry. “Students don’t have passion for media. They are attracted by the glamour
of being radio or TV presenters. Therefore students don’t focus on the practical
side of the profession,” a panellist pointed out.

“The industry
has proposed a
review of the
and for an upgrade.”

The IEMS course was designed with working journalists in
mind, but some panellists felt it was too theoretical. The fact
that the IEMS course is taught after working hours also limits
the opportunities students have for practical experience.
One panellist noted that: “There is a disconnect between the
programme and the industry. The industry has proposed a
review of the programme and for an up-grade. However, there
is an economic crisis at the university, and therefore there has
been no review.” Another added that: “Not enough time is spent
on preparing students for practical journalism. When they come
to the newsroom we don’t have time to mentor them.”

However, other panellists argued that training should not just be seen in the
context of the print media. “IEMS is perceived as not being relevant by the press
because it does not just focus on producing journalists who can write for the press.
We have to be careful about labelling. Limkokwing also focuses on a whole range
of media sectors - broadcasting, film production, and not just news and politics.”
On the other hand, IEMS feels that the industry does not contribute to the
programme or help it to improve by providing input.
In addition to the tertiary institutions, organizations such as MISA and Newshare
offer ad hoc, once-off training workshops. Increasingly, media houses are trying to
provide staff with in-house training. Radio Lesotho, together with the cell-phone



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