seen as “political” and therefore as “no-go areas”.
Media lobby groups are numerous but weak and lack a committed
membership that takes the promotion of media freedom seriously.
Members do not pay their annual subscription or make contributions. These groups include the Eastern Africa Media Institute Uganda Chapter (EAMI-U), the Uganda Journalists Association (UJA), the
Uganda Journalists Union (UJU), the Masaka Journalists Association
(MAJA), the Ankole Media Club (AMEC), the West Nile Journalists
Association (WAJA), the Mid-North Press Club, the Northern Uganda
Media Club (NUMEC), the Eastern Uganda Press Club, the Rwenzori
Press Club, the Busoga Media Advocacy Group, the Uganda Media
Development Foundation (UMDF), the Uganda Media Women’s Association, the Human Rights Journalists Network (HRJ), the Journalists Human Rights Forum, and the Uganda Journalists Safety
From time to time, media lobby groups do take action against violations of media freedom. For example, earlier this year, the Human
Rights Journalists Network organized a demonstration against police
harassment of journalists, and EAMI-U petitioned the Constitutional
Court over sections of the Penal Code that curtail media freedom.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2



Overall score for sector 1:


African Media Barometer - Uganda 2007


Select target paragraph3