the majority owned by commercial proprietors and located in the
central part of the country. It is estimated that there are over 2.5
million radio sets and small radio sets are affordable to the majority
of citizens.
There are about 20 television stations based in the Central region,
and four in other regions. These are: WBS TV, Nile Broadcasting
Services (NBS), Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC), Record TV,
Light TV (mainly Christian), Nation TV (NTV), Top TV, Nile TV and
Open Gate TV. There are also two pay-TV services: DSTV and the
new GTV. Very few people, however, do actually have access to TV
because the majority can not afford a TV set.
Internet is available but very expensive (1,000 shillings for 10 minutes in an Internet cafė) and therefore urban based and not widely
spread, with the number of users in fact going down. It is estimated
that less than 1% of the population have access to internet.
Individual scores:

3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3




Citizens’ access to domestic and international media
sources is not restricted by state authorities.

Citizens’ access to international media is restricted by sections
33 to 38 of the Penal Code which empower the Minister to stop
any international publication from entering the country and allow
the authorities to confiscate such material. In practice, however,
these powers have hardly ever been invoked. No publication has
been stopped, apart from some posters that were confiscated durAfrican Media Barometer - Uganda 2007


Select target paragraph3