2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures
which aim to meet the information needs of all
citizens, including marginalised communities
The Information Society Policy, Mozambique’s Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) policy, was approved at the beginning of 2018 as an update
to the existing ICT policy (Política de Informática) effective since 2000. In 2005,
the country assumed the commitment of the ITU to make universal access to ICTs
possible by 2015. However, according to the panellists, this remains an illusion.
While it is true that in terms of policies the situation is at an acceptable level, the
problem has been the translation of these policies into concrete plans of action
(duly budgeted for) so that the desired changes can take effect.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:







2005=n/a; 2007=n/a; 2009=4.6; 2011=4.0; 2014=3.1

2.12 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to
interfere with editorial content
There was consensus that there is no evidence of the existence of a government
order as such to associate the placement of public advertising with interference
in the editorial content of the media, but it seems that there is a surreptitious
order (not formally constituted but used in that sense) at least by some of the
public managers and other bureaucrats with some influence or decision-making
power about the placement of public announcements.
However, in a context where the government as the constitutional holder of the
initiative of law does nothing to regulate public advertising, it ends up being
liable for the current state of affairs, even if only by omission. In truth, people
who may be acting subtly in this regard – possibly under the aegis of the ruling
party – may not be entirely unknown to the government.



Select target paragraph3