Information and Communication Technologies [No. 15 of 2009 123, (b) the dissemination of music or speech by means of wires or wirelessly connecting two or more loudspeakers whichare installed in a specific building or within the precincts of a specified building; or are permanently fixed, otherwise than within a single specified building, in a motor vehicle, aircraft, ship or railway train, for purposes not ancillary or incidental to or connected with any exhibition, performance, including a performance by a circus, contest, game or sport, such as— the running of any horse race; the holding of any concert or the production of any play, opera, ballet, pageant or the like; the showing of cinematograph film;; or the holding of any agricultural, horticultural, industrial or commercial show or any dance, cabaret, garden party, fete, fair, gymkhana or the like; and " diffuse " shall be construed accordingly; " Director-General " means the person appointed as such under paragraph 8 of the First Schedule; " distress call " means a radiocommunication concerning safety of life on land, at sea or in the air; " dominant position " means a position of economic strength enjoyed by a licensee which enables the licensee to prevent effective competition maintained in the market by affording the licensee the power to behave, to an appreciable extent, independently of the licensee's competitors and consumers; " electronic communication " means a transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature, transmitted in whole or in part by radio, electro-magnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, but does not include— any wire or direct oral communication; any communication made through a tone only paging device; (c) any communication from a tracking device; or