the LCF changed its editorial line, the HAAC said that it was not operating in
accordance with legislation and it was suspended.
According to the panel, the nomination procedure for HAAC members is somewhat
suspicious. According to Law, the HAAC is composed of nine members. However,
4 of the 9 members are directly nominated by the President of the Republic, 5 are
elected by the National Assembly, 2 of them from a list submitted by the most
representative organisations of journalists and communication technicians. The 3
remaining positions are filled by the National Assembly, calling for the nomination
of independent candidates. The members enjoy a renewable, unlimited term of
office, but gender issues are not taken into account as there is only one woman
among the 9 members.
Generally speaking, the panel considers that many members of the HAAC are
supporters of the ruling party. The Vice-Chairman of the HAAC is a member of
the Union des Forces de Changement (Union of Forces for Change - UFC), a progovernment political party.
The HAAC is often accused of being highly politicized, but those who assert this
are not able to prove their allegations. Nevertheless, journalists have even gone so
far as to call the HAAC a ‘hatchet’, in view of its propensity to mete out sanctions.
But it is possible to appeal a decision made by the HAAC in the administrative
chamber of the Supreme Court.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.6 (2013 = 1.4; 2010 = 2.1)

Select target paragraph3