2.4 Transparency of ownership of media houses in
print/broadcasting is guaranteed by law and enforced.
Transparency in regard to the ownership of print media and audio-visual
companies is not always guaranteed. It is often difficult to know the name of the
owner(s) of print media outlets as they may be front men. This means that the
director of publications is not necessarily the owner. The truth often comes out
when there is a crisis.
The public only discovered the real name of the Focus Info newspaper owner
who was based in Belgium and had refused to appear in public on the occasion
of a dispute with the director of publications. The arbitration committee finally
decided to attribute ownership of the newspaper to the director of publications.
According to the panel, the HAAC does not enquire into the sources of funding.
But there is provision enabling it to withdraw the formal confirmation or
authorisation in case of misconduct. Article 58 of the HAAC’s founding Act quoted
by the panel states: “the authorisation or formal confirmation may be withdrawn
following a decision given after due hearing of the parties and rendered by the
presiding judge of the court having territorial jurisdiction, in accordance with the
emergency procedure requested by the president of the HAAC in the following


Substantial modification of the information submitted in order to
obtain the authorisation or formal confirmation, particularly changes
in the share capital, funding arrangements, typology of the radio,
television or other audio-visual means of communication;
If the judiciary authority ascertains that there has been forgery or
the use of forged documents in the application for authorisation or
the declaration of publication or in the case of a deliberate refusal to
respect moral or professional ethics.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.3 (2012 = 1.8; 2009 = n/a)



Select target paragraph3