The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
There is a wide range of information sources in Togo. There are at least 400
registered newspapers of which 112 are published on a regular basis. The average
price of a newspaper is CFA francs 250 (USD 0,45), or two and a half times more
than the price of a loaf of bread. There is also a national daily newspaper, three
private daily newspapers of which only two are regularly published. Although
Togo has a total population of approximately 7 million people, the daily national
paper prints 12,000 copies per day and in some cities, it is only available the day
after its publication. The other newspapers have a low print run of between 500
and 1,000 copies.
The country has 75 radio stations. Except for the recently created prefectures,
each of the 38 prefectures in Togo has a community radio. Radio coverage is
relatively complete, which leads the panel to say that there are no non-radio or
non-television zones in Togo, including Atakpamé which is situated in a hollow.
But in the rural areas, many people do not own a radio or a television set.
There are 7 television channels in Lomé and its suburbs. Low bandwidth internet
is only available in the major urban areas. The number of cell phones available
to the population is relatively high. Even in the remotest areas, people have cell

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.8 (2013 = 3.5; 2010 = 3.0)

Select target paragraph3