Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score:			

2.4 (2005 = 2.8; 2007 = 3.3)

3.12 Community broadcasting enjoys special
promotion given its potential to broaden access by
communities to the airwaves.
Community radio and television stations do not receive any backing from the
state, apart from being charged lower licence fees than commercial stations.
Community radio licenses cost N$1,800, annually, for a rurally based station and
N$3,600 for an urban-based station. The annual fee for a commercial radio station
license is N$27,500. Community television stations have to pay N$8,400, while a
commercial TV station license costs N$80,000.20
Government could, however, “do much more” to encourage community radio in
particular, especially in rural areas where the frequencies are plentiful: “Government
talks about rural development and then expects community radio in rural areas to
go it alone when they should be assisting. A baby can only grow if you feed it.”
Some panellists felt that because the NBC had its different language radio
broadcasts, targeting specific ethnic groups in pockets around the country,
perhaps the government does not see it as a priority to help establish community
stations. In many ways, these language services do operate as “community radio
stations” as much of the information on air comes from
the communities themselves. However, true community
“...A baby can only
radio stations focus on a specific target area and can be
more proactive in getting relevant information across
grow if you feed it.”
than the language services. There have been complaints
20 Licence pricing information supplied by Johan Schutte, Senior Control Officer at the NCC. Telephonic
interview conducted on May 26, 2009



Select target paragraph3