3.11 The state/public broadcaster offers as much
diverse and creative local content as economically
An effort is being made at NBC TV to develop local content further, but the station
still has to re-broadcast foreign news feeds as it does not produce enough own
material. There are broadcasts of CCTV news from 08h00 to 09h00 as well as from
23h30 to 00h30, CNN from 13h00 to 14h00 and Deutsche Welle from 17h00 to
17h30 during the week. The NBC-made programmes include the weekday hourlong show Good Morning Namibia, the weekday news bulletins (07h00 indigenous
language and 19h00 in English), the current affairs programmes Voices of Namibia
and Talk of the Nation, the cooking show Salt & Pepper and the music show Afro
While NBC TV used to broadcast 24 hours a day, its output has decreased to 18
and a half hours, from 06h00 to 00h30, with the final hour, or half hour, usually
filled by the Chinese news feed, CCTV.
While the standard of the local soap opera, The Ties That Bind, is not considered
to be very high, initiating this show was a noble intention and an indication of the
NBC trying to build up the local industry. ‘Soapies’ are very popular in Namibia,
which, like One Africa, mostly procures cheap South American, dubbed versions.
However, local films, such as those presented at a recent Windhoek film festival,
are hardly ever shown on NBC TV.
The Sanlam-NBC Music Awards are a good attempt by the NBC to develop and
nurture the local music industry.
NBC radio stations play a high proportion of local music and feature a lot of local
content, “but there is room for improvement”.



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