communication saying the bill will not affect freedom of expression, other government officials
claim that once its law some online media houses will be clamped down.
In as much as the past few years have seen the media in Zambia under censorship. The second
quarter of 2018 has seen more censorship of content that the media disseminates. This was not
only taken note but rather saw a number of threats issued to the media with threats of shut down.
The private media was not treated kindly as some journalists were assaulted while some media
houses were stormed into radio station in some cases stop an ongoing program or ask for
recording of the program.
The media is being subjected to more laws to regulate content which is largely affecting content
with divergent views.
6.0 Recommendations
Over the years the State of the Media Reports have brought to the fore a number of issues along
with recommendations for some action. As a result of the current report the following
recommendations are relevant:
6.1 Review of the content of cyber security bills
6.2 Engagement with ministry of Justice and Zambia police on safety of Journalists
6.3 Safety for media practitioners and media houses
6.4 Engage political parties on matters of attack and harassment of journalists.
There is need to work towards seeing that media practitioners are safe in executing their duties.
Also there is need to engage government on the content of the cyber security bills before they
are tabled before parliament. Continued engagement with government over the ATI should


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