Letters to the Ministry of Justice to seek clarity on the content of the Cyber Security proposed
bills and the progress on the ATI. MISA however did not have an audience with the minister in
the second quarter.
In looking at the safety of journalists, MISA also wrote to the Zambia Police to find a way to
have journalists protected by the police unlike cases where the police would beat up journalists
in some cases.36
On 18th June, MISA had an engagement meeting37 with ZUBID secretary general Andrew
Mpandamwike on the state of ZNBC regulation. Following the meeting it was observed that:“Currently there are no laws that can be used by the public and parliamentarians
to question certain decisions but people can sue ZNBC based on what is
enshrined in the ZNBC Act. People are ignorant about the way the ZNBC Act is
crafted. For example, the DG is answerable to parliament because he is rectified
by it but people don‟t know about this information.
“Regulation of ZNBC by IBA will require a total change of set up in terms of the
way the law is crafted. ZNBC is established by an Act of Parliament and so is
IBA. Both institutions report to the Minister of Information and Broadcasting
Services. Both directors of the two institutions are answerable to the Minister of
Information so if IBA was to regulate ZNBC how best will they do it? May be
through the Charter that is been proposed by the IBA and should be signed by the
Board which will be appointed by the public and not the Minister. As it stands the
Minister has so much powers,” from the minutes of the meeting.
5.0 Conclusion
The second quarter of 2018 had increased debate following the proposed cyber security bills.
Interesting to note is that in as much as government spokesperson and minister of transport and

MISA WhatsApp Media Violation group – ABN TV journalist harassed by police and immigration officers – 22nd
June, 2018
Engagement Meeting with ZUBID Minutes, Held at MISA Zambia – 18th May, 2018


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