Developments since 2008
Positive developments in the media environment in
the last two years:

The establishment of the Media Ombudsman.
The public seems to be more engaged with/aware of media issues. The public
outcry about an offensive advert for a legal firm and the public’s growing
engagement with the Media Ombudsman are examples of this.
Positive changes at the NBC.
Growth of the SMS pages in the print media – the media is becoming more
The restructuring of Democratic Media Holdings with the investment from
Media 24.
The growth in social media.
Namibia Sun has gone daily, and is cheaper than other daily newspapers.
The improvement in the content and structure of Sister Namibia magazine.
Certain aspects of the Communications Act.
The term “public service broadcaster” has been reinstated in the NBC’s
mission statement.
The gradual digitisation of the country’s media.
Improvements in the relationship between the media and the MICT.

Negative developments in the media environment:


Certain aspects of the Communications Act.
Lesbian issues are no longer covered by Sister magazine.
Namibia still does not have an Access to Information Bill. This issue was
taken up with the Office of the Prime Minister after the last AMB. However,
no action has been taken in this regard.


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