Authorities must ensure citizen participation in the transparent and democratic appointment
process for the ZBC board, while securing and guaranteeing its independence and
accountability in carrying out its public service mandate.
 License community radio stations
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe should call for applications for community radio
stations and license successful applicants as provided for by the Broadcasting Service Act.
 Journalism Safety and Security
The government, and fundamentally, its security arms as well as political parties, should
ensure a safe working environment for journalist and provide leadership within and outside
government in raising awareness on the need to ensure the safety of journalists and media
 Police /Media Relations
The police and the media should implement the resolutions and action plans agreed to in
December 2017. These are aimed at improving the professional working relationship
between the media and the police through agreed work plans and timeframes for ease of
monitoring of progress. The police should investigate cases involving the unlawful assaults
and arrests of journalists and bring the culprits to book.
 Media Professionalism and Accountability
The media industry and in particular, the Zimbabwe National Editors Forum (ZINEF), should
address concerns pertaining to media capture, declining professional ethics and corruption
to reinforce media freedom, professionalism and accountability.

In his pledges to break with the past, President Mnangagwa, should walk the talk and
implement the long overdue media reforms before the 2018 elections. He should crack the
whip against bureaucrats dilly dallying on the implementation of media reforms which should


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