In revealing the dual purpose of the Ministry of Cybersecurity in preventing abuse of social
media, and protecting the State’s interests, there has been no reference to the actual
cybercrimes or cyber security threats faced by Zimbabwe. Summarily, these remarks have
escalated free expression on social media to a cyber-security threat which government took
seriously enough to warrant the creation of the responsible ministry.
Furthermore, the draft Bill’s long title pays homage to the protection and promotion of
fundamental rights. However, some sections of the draft Bill actually infringe on the same
fundamental rights.

Way Forward in 2018
 Media reforms before elections
The government should urgently implement the long overdue media reforms by aligning
restrictive laws such as AIPPA, BSA, POSA and sections of the Criminal Law (Codification and
Reform Act) as provided for in terms of the Constitution’s Chapter 4 Declaration of Rights as
well as the findings and recommendations of the IMPI report.
 Ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG)
Zimbabwe should sign and ratify the ACDEG which promotes the consolidation of democratic
governance and human rights in Africa through adoption of the Charter’s relevant clauses
into domestic law and policies ahead of the 2018 elections.

 Proposed cybercrimes and cyber security laws.
Government should formulate the cyber security framework in sync with national and
regional principles that protect privacy of communication, private property and the right of
all citizens to freedom of expression, media freedom and access to information.
 Transformation of ZBC into a truly independent broadcaster


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