and cyber security laws will be selectively applied through various state institutions to
persecute any dissenting voices on online spaces.
Suffice to say, citizens have the right to freely express themselves online and offline while
the media has the right to truthfully report and inform the nation on events as they unfold
without fear and undue hindrances as constitutionally guaranteed.

Print media
As the media struggled for survival and solutions to the unfolding technological advances
compounded by dwindling advertising revenue in an unfavourable economic environment, it
also came under the spotlight following accusations of its capture, more-so in the context of
the Zanu PF succession fights.
Both the public and private media were accused of being factional, biased and partisan in
their coverage of the Zanu PF succession story. Though unsubstantiated, some journalists
were accused of being in the pockets of high ranking politicians, businesspersons and
prominent church leaders.
During a meeting convened by MISA Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe National Editors Forum in
Zimbabwe’s second city of Bulawayo, journalists in attendance acknowledged there were,
among them, journalists working in cahoots with politicians across the political divide to the
detriment of media professionalism.
They said media capture was in the form of interference with editorial independence by
government officials especially in the public owned media.
The capture was not only restricted to public media, but was also evident in the private
media where some journalists were accused of being in the pockets of influential politicians.
Appointments of editors along political lines, some of them without journalism experience,
also contributed to erosion of ethical practice and conduct, they said.
Other journalists were literally moles for political and business gurus making it difficult to
work on sensitive stories without being spied on and reported to their paying masters. Media
capture also came in the form of intimidation by big corporates threatening withdrawal of
advertising revenue in the event of negative publicity.


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