The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?


The increase in the number of media houses – mainly radio and more
TV stations – has increased the diversity and quality of coverage.
There are enhanced training opportunities for media, particularly
by ACME. Additionally, more development partners have been
conducting media training; due to this, funding for the media sector
is increasing.
There is a push for increased training of journalists, but there is a
need to consider practical ways in which journalists can access these
learning opportunities.
There is a greater understanding of the role of media.
The enhanced partnership between the media and NGOs has helped
to increase pro-bono legal services for media.
Increased career opportunities in the field of journalism have
encouraged people to remain in the industry.
Even when people leave media, they still bounce back to provide
support and feedback and training to the sector.



There has been a deliberate pushback from the State on some of the
media houses reporting on politics. This has resulted in media having
to tread more carefully, be more cautious as well as an increase in
self-censorship; while some journalists have been moved out of the
There has been an explosion of social media without clear professional
or ethical standards being applied.

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next 3-4 years?


Pro-bono services for journalists: Stronger efforts are needed by
the media and media lobby groups to get more lawyers to provide
pro-bono services for journalists. This could include, for example,
developing a media lawyers’ network to provide media support both
in terms of research and defence.


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