
The abovementioned prohibitions shall not apply to – (i) a bona fide scientific,
documentary, dramatic, artistic, or religious broadcast, which judged within context, is of
such nature;
(ii) broadcasts which amount to discussion, argument or opinion on a matter pertaining to
religion, belief or conscience; or
(iii) broadcasts which amounts to a bona fide discussion, argument or opinion on a matter
of public interest.


Broadcasters are reminded that children as defined in paragraph 3 above embraces a wide
range of maturity and sophistication, and in interpreting this Code it is legitimate for
licensees to distinguish, if appropriate, those approaching adulthood from a much younger,
pre-teenage audience.18.1 Broadcasters shall not broadcast material unsuitable for
children at times when large numbers of children may be expected to be part of the
18.2 Broadcasters shall exercise particular caution. As provided below, in the depiction of
violence in children’s programming.
18.3 In children’s programming portrayed by real-life characters, violence shall, whether
physical, verbal or emotional, only be portrayed when it is essential to the development of a
character and plot.
18.4 Animated programming for children, while accepted as a stylised form of story-telling
which can contain non-realistic violence, shall not have violence as its central theme, and
shall not invite dangerous imitation.
18.5 Programming for children shall with due care deal with themes which could threatens
their sense of security, when portraying, for example, domestic conflict, death, crime or the
use of drugs.
18.6 Programming for children shall with due care deal with themes which could invite
children to imitate acts which they see on screen or hear about, such as the use of plastic
bags as toys, use of matches, the use of dangerous household products as playthings, or
other dangerous physical acts.
18.7 Programming for children shall not contain realistic scenes of violence which create
the impression that violence is the preferred or only method to resolve conflict between
18.8 Programming for children shall not contain realistic scenes of violence which minimise
or gloss over the effect of violent acts. Any realistic depictions of violence shall portray, in
human terms, the consequences of that violence to its victims and its perpetrators.
18.9 Programming for children shall not contain frightening or otherwise excessive special
effects not required by the story line.


Programming on television which contains scenes of violence, sexually explicit conduct

Select target paragraph3