36.1 in presenting a programme in which controversial issues of public importance are
discussed, a licensee shall make reasonable efforts to fairly present opposing points of view
either in the same programme or in a subsequent programme forming part of the same
series of programmes presented within a reasonable period of time of the original broadcast
and within substantially the same time slot.
36.2 A person whose views are to be criticised in a broadcasting programme on a
controversial issue of public importance shall be given a right to reply to such criticism on
the same programme. If this is impracticable however, opportunity for response to the
programme should be provided where appropriate, for example in a right to reply
programme or in a pre-arranged discussion programme with the prior consent of the person

During any election period, the provisions of sections 58, 59, 60 and 61 of the Act shall
apply, and all broadcasting services shall in terms of those sections be subject to the
jurisdiction of the Authority.


Insofar as both news and comment are concerned, broadcasting licensees shall exercise
exceptional care and consideration in matters involving the dignity or private lives and
private concerns of individuals, bearing in mind that the rights to dignity and privacy may be
overridden by a legitimate public interest.


Paying a criminal for information
39.1 No payment shall be made to persons involved in crime or other notorious behaviour,
or to persons who have been engaged in crime or other notorious behaviour, in order to
obtain information concerning any such behaviour, unless compelling societal interests
indicate the contrary.

Select target paragraph3