journalists and CSOs is regular, the latter do not automatically or systematically
defend journalists. A slim few CSOs actively defend media freedom, such as
Ilontsera.20 Early in 2016, in an effort to draw attention to the difficulties of
access to information, Ilontsera conducted a survey which collected the opinions
of 134 journalists from 17 public and private institutions in Antananarivo. The
CSOs had already drawn attention to the difficulties of access to information.
In 2019, at the time of the “Helicopter Case”, no CSOs stepped up to defend
the journalists involved. This was also the case when the daily L’Express de
Madagascar was at the heart of a social-media storm. On 5 October 2019,
this paper’s frontpage headline read: "Travel abroad – restriction on travel
abroad for women". The article was massively shared and public opinion
condemned the facts reported. The headline and content caused an outcry
from the administration. Even the President of the Republic reacted through his
Facebook page to condemn the newspaper in what he called “disinformation”.
L’Express de Madagascar argued that the report was carried out in accordance
with the professional standards. In the heat of the moment, some journalists
openly attacked their L’Express de Madagascar colleagues. A few weeks later,
the Observatory of Public Life (SEFAFI)21 openly criticised journalism in a press
release entitled “The culture of privilege, higher education and the media”.22
Despite this animosity, CSOs did support the media in the Freedom of Expression
Movement (MLE) in 2016, which fought to amend the original Communication
Code to guarantee the exercise of the profession of journalists throughout the
The panel stressed out that this mistrust among both sides stems from a loss of
confidence and the absence of a real lobby group where journalists can stand
together. Nevertheless, panellists believe the media should be defended, despite
its imperfection.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:








2006: 1.8; 2008: 2; 2010: 2.4; 2012: 4.4; 2016: 2.3

20 (accessed on 8 November 2019)
21 SEFAFI is an association whose vocation is to identify and examine societal problems, and communicate the findings of its
work in view of enhanced democracy and rule of law.
22 (accessed on 8 November 2019)



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