1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter internet
content unless in accordance with laws that
provide for restrictions that serve a legitimate
interest and are necessary in a democratic society
and which are applied by independent courts
The State does not seek to block internet content. All sites, even those considered
as illegal in other countries, and social media are accessible to citizens. However,
there are times when websites cannot be accessed. For example, during the
second round of the 2018 presidential election, the Independent National
Electoral Commission’s (CENI)17 website could not be accessed, resulting in
citizens being unable to monitor election results in real time. CENI gave no clear
explanation for this.
Panellists felt that generally the state, through its agents or the cybercrime
unit attached to the MCC, seeks to increase surveillance, particularly on social
media: the authorities carry out monitoring. A panellist pointed out that senior
officials show their willingness to control or block social media when the debates
flame up. Today social media, especially Facebook, have been democratised by
operators.18 This social network has become an ideal medium for citizens and
activists to express themselves, and the administration is keeping a close watch
on posted comments.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:









4 .3
2006: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2010: 4.6; 2012: 4.5; 2016: 2.6

1.10 Civil society in general and the media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom
The panel pointed out that civil society organisations (CSOs) are used by some
as a springboard to reach public positions or mandates.19 In many cases, media
is just a way to help them achieve this goal. Although collaboration between
17 CENI:; during the second round of the presidential election in 2018, the site of the National commission
was temporarily unavailable.
18 A business operator has made a commercial offer providing a week-long access to Facebook at US$0.13.
19 The president of the High Constitutional Court is a former member of the SEFAFI. The same with the president of the CSI,
as well as the prime minister. Several senior government officials have once been active within CSOs.



Select target paragraph3