3.7 The editorial independence of the public broadcaster from commercial
pressure and political influence is guaranteed by law and practiced.

GBC is expected to drive government programmes and promote its agenda as
stipulated in the law establishing it. (This law is, however, has not been
harmonised with provisions of the constitution and may be in contravention of the
basic law).
Despite this stipulation, the GBC operates relatively independently. However,
past experiences where there was heavy government presence in the editorial
management of the GBC seem to be lingering on in the heads and minds of GBC
staff. The concern is whether workers are indeed conscious of significant
changes after the year 2000 when a new political party, the New Patriotic Party
(NPP) came to power. As it is, workers are still practising a degree of selfcensorship.

Individual scores:

3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2

Average score:


3.8 The public broadcaster is adequately funded in a manner that protects it from
arbitrary interference with its budget.


The GBC is not adequately funded. There are currently three sources of funding:
internally generated funds (IGF), government subvention, and loans and grants.
These sources should be balanced with recurrent expenditure. The funding
situation has affected plans of restructuring the corporation to enable it operate
efficiently and effectively. Such restructuring seems necessary in regard to the
ratio between administrative and operational staff, with the former outnumbering
the latter.

Select target paragraph3