7.1 Networking
MISA continued to network with like minded organizations both at a regional and national level in order to most
efficiently and effectively implement its various programme activites. MISA’s partners at the regional level include,
IFEX, Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR), Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), Netherlands Institute of southern Africa (NiZA), UNECA, GEMSA, Gender Links, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Southern
African Broadcasting Association (SABA), the MAP partners and many others. At a national level there are also a lot
of partnerships that the various MISA chapters formed in order to best implement the various activities. Some of the
partnerships to note during the year under review are



the Botswana Civil Society Solidarity Coalition for Zimbabwe (BOCISCOZ), a coalition of Botswana registered
Non-Governmental Organizations namely Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO), Media Institute of Southern
Africa (MISA) Botswana Chapter, Ditshwanelo-The Botswana Centre for Human Rights, Botswana Federation
Secondary School Teachers (BOFESETE), Botswana Council of Churches. BOCISCOZ planned a series of activities including a church service, marches and a public rally to show solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe in
commemoration of the anniversary of Operation Murambatsvina.


The civil society organizations that joined MISA in Namibia to march and present a petition to the Zimbabwe
Embassy in Windhoek Namibia in March 2007 in protest against the beatings of civil society and opposition
leaders as well as journalists who were on their way to attend a scheduled religious rally.


The Lesotho Smart Partnership Hub Media sectoral link which prepared for the SADC heads of state summit as
well as the Civil Society Forum that run parallel to each other that MISA Lesotho was also co-facilitating.


The coalition of eleven media stakeholders campaigning for the Freedom of Information Act 2006 in Tanzania.

Annual Report 2006

Select target paragraph3