MISA held its Regional Annual General Meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa at the beginning of September 2006.
This was election year for the organization and consequently the chapters held their Annual General Meetings
(AGM) before the regional AGM to elect new governors (with the exception of Tanzania who held their AGM in the
middle of September 2006 and as a result did not attend the regional AG). MISA therefore has new governors and
elected a new Executive Committee during the AGM.


Regional Chairperson

Thabo Thakalekoala (Lesotho)

Deputy Regional chairperson

Lomcebo Dlamini (Swaziland)


Christof Maletky (Namibia)


Laona Segaetsho (Botswana)

Ex-Officio Member

Salva Rweyemamu (Tanzania)

The Executive Committee met once during the year mainly to approve the 2007 – 2008 work plans and budgets.
They also approved the MISA HIV/AIDS policy and the Communications Policy.
The various national chapters held their regular board meetings. MISA Botswana conducted a governance workshop
to initiate the chapter’s new board members who expressed gratitude and appreciation for the event. MISA Zimbabwe’s Chairperson Thomas Deve resigned during the course of the year and was replaced by his deputy Loughty
Dube. The Zimbabwe National Governing Council had to co-opt a new member in order to fill all the positions.
The MISA Zimbabwe membership also created a management committee to deal with administrative and human
resource issues.
The year under review saw MISA embark on an Organizations Development process in an effort to best implement
the recommendations of the SPP1 evaluation. The process consultant appointed is Simon Matsvayi of Symaccon
who also conducted the SPP1 evaluation.
Mr Kaitira Kandjii was appointed the new Regional Director of MISA effective April 1 2006. He replaced Mr Luckson Chipare whose contract ended on 31 March 2006. Mr Kaitira was the Programme Specialist for Freedom of
Expression and the Right to Know and consequently that position was rendered vacant. At the moment there is a
Programme Officer who is running the programme who was moved from the Broadcasting and ICTs programme.
The organization experienced a draw back in its human resources capacity as the Regional Deputy Director/ Programmes Manager Mr Titus Moetsabi left the organization in January 2007. At the end of the financial year Mr Eric
Libongani the Publications Officer also left MISA after serving the organization for 5 years. MISA Zimbabwe also reduced its staff from nine to eight. This followed the departure of Assistant Programmes Officer Sharon Tapfumaneyi
whose contract was not renewed by the MISA-Zimbabwe board.
MISA-Zimbabwe changed its structure to create the position of Senior Programmes Officer. Takura Zhangazha, formerly Advocacy Officer, now occupies this position. This position was created as a programme support and bridge
between the Director and Programme Officer. The Senior Programmes Officer Acts in the position of Director automatically in the absence of the Director.

Annual Report 2006


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