In Zambia, MISA continued to sponsor the Face the Media programmes on 14 Community Radio Stations and these
programmes have been flag ships for most of the radio stations in Zambia. Wherever there is a community Radio and these programmes are aired the participation of the listeners has been overwhelming. Additionally and
perhaps more importantly a lot of major changes in communities have been seen as a result of the programmes,
this is apart from providing a platform for people to express themselves unhindered as the case is on the national
broadcaster (ZNBC). Issues that have been covered on these programmes are also covered in the print media.
These programmes have greatly assisted in getting the ordinary people to talk to those in positions of authority.
This has been possible because the programmes have been interactive in that the ordinary people can contact
the guests through the use of telephones, SMSs and faxes. The programmes have been reaching an estimated 13
million people in Zambia through Radio Phoenix, Radio 5-fm, Radio Martha, Radio Chikune, Radio Lyambai, Radio
Mkushi, Breeze Fm , and Radio Phoenix- all community radios. In conjunction with the Face the Media Programmes
MISA Zambia also sponsored the community radio stations to run Good Governance programmes which have a had
a lot of impact on the community and MISA in general. Both the radio programmes are made possible by funding
outside of the basket funding.
Apart from the on going issuing of communiqués, MISA-Zimbabwe also managed to organize a meeting with the
African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights Special Rappouteur on Freedom of Expression Pansy Tlakula who
happened to be in Harare at the time Tsvangirai Mukwazhi – arrested while covering a opposition political rally and
severely beaten and his camera seized and destroyed by the Zimbabwe police- was released from police custody.
The Commissioner managed to talk to Mukwazhi, saw the intensive injuries with her own eyes and thereafter wrote
a strong letter of protest to President Robert Mugabe which was printed in the Mail and Guardian. The Commissioner has promised to take these issues further at the next Africa Commission session in Ghana. MISA-Zimbabwe
has also managed to publicize the serious media violations in Zimbabwe in the media through such publicity produce as the Monthly Media Alerts Digest. The Digest has widely been covered in the private media.
During the reporting year, MISA also took the time to package its mission and vision statement into a poster that
is currently being displayed in all the chapters. This again was done to give the public a clear image of MISA and
what it stands for as well as to reminding the people who work in MISA of the organization’s mandate in an effort
to improve internal public relations.

6.3 Publications
The MISA Annual Report was produced ad distributed during the Gem summit as well as to the chapters who further
distributed. There was a printing delay at the printers hence the failure to distribute the printed annual report at the
MISA AGM that preceded the GEM summit. However bound copies were available for delegates.
So This is Democracy? State of the Media in southern Africa 2005 was published during the year under review. It was
successfully launched all over the region with the exception of Angola during the World Press freedom Day celebrations. The launch received a lot of publicity and as usual acted as distribution points for other MISA publications.
Southern African Media Directory 2006/7 was published during the year under review as it could not be published
before the end of the previous financial year due to the fact that the communications manager took over the job late

Annual Report 2006


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