principal banner being used at MISA functions. MISA folders were also produced to be used at MISA functions both
at regional and national level and this has already begun. Business cards had to be redesigned to incorporate the
organization’s colors and corporate image. All this have begun to provide MISA with a consistent image that will be
further cemented by compliment slips, redesigned letterheads, brochures and redesigned fax sheets, which will be
further developed in the coming financial year.
MISA continued to issue press statements on various issues that would come up during the year. These got covered
in the media (both electronic and print) in the region.
Lesotho reported an increase in the coverage of their events and issues they raise as a result of growing support from
various stakeholders including the media. Of note was the much publicity was given to the WPFD celebrations. This
was done through issuance of press releases to the local media and radio slots on two radio stations. The first slot
was given by Radio Lesotho on a popular phone in programme Seboping, a state-owned radio station on May 9
2006. MISA Lesotho was represented by the Chairperson and the National Director. The second program was held at
the morning Catholic Radio talk-show, Tsa Kajeno. Both programs sought to heighten Basotho’s awareness on wide
ranging issues of Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression with regard to the theme: Media, Development and
Poverty Eradication. In Malawi, MISA managed to hold one TV panel discussion and two radio panel discussions on
the need for the Access to Information Act. The discussions created a round good response MISA Malawi calendar
and create awareness on the need for access to information as a social economic right to the public.
MISA Namibia the NGC and its National director visited media houses , to introduce themselves but also to provide a
platform for the media houses to raise issues or concerns that they have with the institution or on how it is operating. The institutions visited were : the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, The Namibian Newspaper, New Era newspaper, The Republiken Newspaper, Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Economist Newspaper, the Windhoek Observer
Newspaper, One Africa television. Plans are underway, to have a series of visit to the commercial radio stations and
the community media in the new cycle. MISA also appeared on national Television for a discussion on World Press
freedom day and media freedom and freedom of expression issues in May 2006.
In Swaziland, MISA also maintained constant contact with the media and regularly visited the print media to explain
MISA’s goals and to train journalists on action alerts. The visits have yielded fruit as the chapter has seen proactive
reportage of media violations by the journalists which have further been sent out to the rest of the world. MISA
continues to interact with journalists almost on a daily basis to liven and sustain our working relationship with
the media houses and keep them continuously connected to MISA and its activities. MISA also held two breakfast
meetings with NGOs on regional issues affecting media freedom. The meetings were aimed sensitizing the NGOs,
civil society and the business community on issues that have a bearing on the media.
In Tanzania two events can be noted which recorded the highest publicity during the reporting period. The World
Press Freedom Day recorded about 25 articles (news, comments and features) in the mainstream print media.
Print media alone saved the chapter an estimate of USD 28,000 equivalent advertising value. The other activity is
the campaign for Freedom of Information Act. This campaign has triggered public debate through both print and
electronic media. The publicity of this activity up to now can amount to an estimated USD 30,000 of equivalent
advertising value, and the campaign is ongoing. MISA-Tanzania events throughout the year got coverage through
Radio Tanzania Dar es salaam, Radio One, Independent Television (ITV) and Channel Ten.


Annual Report 2006

Select target paragraph3