manner, which in itself helps to discredit the profession in the eyes of the public.
There is, however, a statute for journalists, which in its article 13 stipulates that
the professional conduct of journalists should be defined in their specific code of
ethics, which must as a necessity contain in it the guarantees for its
Participants were of the opinion that while a Code Ethics is not yet in place, the
problem could be best dealt with in the meantime with the establishment of such
bodies at the newsroom level. This would help to overcome some of the
weaknesses that are currently inherent in the media.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:



The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and

Generally, yes. However, in such a polarised political environment as it obtains
in Cape Verde, there emerge occasionally some tendencies along political party
lines which then reflect themselves in the way journalists carry out their duties.
There are also cases of journalists and media organisations who use the
profession in order to settle scores with their adversaries. In this sense
participants highlighted the need for journalists to guide themselves by the basic
principles of ethics and deontology, which state that in any issue there must be
more than just one version, and that no one should be accused without proof or
Individual scores:
Average score:

3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4

The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and cultures,
including business/economics, cultural, local, and investigative stories.

The media in Cape Verde covers the full spectrum of issues not only within the
country, but also in the Diaspora. It is even possible to notice some degree of
specialisation, with newspapers having special sections that cover Economic
issues, Culture and Sport, among others. The preoccupation about covering all
of the country’s 10 islands is evident among most of the media organisations.
Among other issues that have attracted the attention of the media there are
those that pertain to the health of women and children. Investigative journalism
has also been gaining ground, with the media playing its role of protecting the

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