
The public broadcaster is technically accessible in the entire country.

Unofficial projections show that within four years, that is in 2010, television in
Cape Verde will overtake radio in terms of audience, covering between 75%
and 82% of the population. This will completely alter today’s reality, which still
favours radio as the main source of information and entertainment. Such
projections point at the urgent need for television to prepare itself to meet this
new challenge. However, despite the country’s geographical dispersion, it is fair
to say that the public broadcaster is technically accessible in most parts of the
Individual scores:

3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3

Average score:


3.10 The public broadcaster offers diverse programming for all interests.

RNCV offers a rich and diversified programming, covering many parts of the
country. Besides that, talk shows with a large audience and targeted at different
audiences make it a true public service provider. It has a wide network of
correspondents in the country, providing information in real time to the majority
of people in Cape Verde. Its content could be more innovative, thus placing
itself in a better position to follow the country’s dynamics and the new
challenges that the people of Cape Verde, especially the young, face today.
RNCV’s content is determined by Programming Councils, which are largely
ineffective and without adequate technical support to enable them to follow
trends in audiences, develop new contents and explore new target audiences.
As far as TCV is concerned, it has a less diversified programming, and its
service can only be acceptable in a country where consumer rights are not
respected. TCV is far from fulfilling its public mandate for the provision of quality
information, education and entertainment. Based in the national capital, its main
brief is to follow politicians and national leaders, thus offering an official
programming that simply captures the centre of power, with all its endless
workshops, seminars, conferences and official acts. Most of the country’s
critical day-to-day issues are not covered.

Individual scores:

3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3

Average score:


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