

and records shall be submitted for the consideration of the Board;
all matters relating to the issue, possession
and production of certificates of approval
given by the Board;
the duties of a person in charge of the public
exhibition of any film, picture or statue, the
public playing of any record or the giving of
any public entertainment, in connection with
the supervision of the same by such person;
the practice and procedure of the Appeal
Board and the fees to be charged in respect of
proceedings therein;
penalties for contraventions of the regulations:
Provided that no such penalty shall exceed
a fine of level four or imprisonment for a period of three months or both such fine and
such imprisonment.

35 Regulations relating to theatres
(1) The Minister may make regulations providing for the conditions to be observed in regard to
the safety from fire or otherwise of any theatre or
for the safety, convenience and control of persons
attending any theatre.
(1a) Regulations made under subsection (1) may
provide penalties for contraventions thereof, but no
such penalty shall exceed a fine of level five or
imprisonment for a period of six months or both
such fine and such imprisonment.
(2) Where the Minister has appointed a local
authority or any officer thereof to be an inspector
for the purpose of regulations made under subsection (1), any fees payable in respect of any service
rendered by such inspector shall be paid to the
local authority concerned.

Law Reviser's Note on amendments to the Act since the Revised Edition (1996)
This version of the Act, reflecting the position as at the 1st May, 2004, includes the amendments made by the Magistrates Court Amendment Act, 1997 (No. 9 of 1997), with effect from the 10th October, 1997, and the Criminal
Penalties Amendment Act, 2001 (No. 22 of 2001) with effect from the 20th May, 2002.
The provisions affected by those amendments are:Amending Act

Effect on this Act

Act No. 9 of 1997

Section 20 repealed and substituted

Act No. 22 of 2001

Amendments to sections 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17,
21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 34 and 35 (all inserting
penalty provisions) and 32 (repeal of former
general penalty provision).

In addition section 32 of the Act has been revised in order to incorporate a consequential amendment overlooked in
Act No. 22 of 2001.


[Chapter 10:04]

Select target paragraph3