ing to have been made and signed by a member of
the Board, a member of a committee or the secretary to the Board shall be prima facie proof of the
facts stated therein and it shall not be necessary to
tender oral evidence of such facts unless the court
before which the proceedings are held so directs, in
which event a postponement shall be allowed to
enable a witness to attend and give such oral


32 Offences and penalties
The court convicting any person of any offence
under this Act may declare any article in respect of
or in connection with which the offence was
committed to be forfeited to the State, and any such
article shall thereupon be disposed of as the court
may direct.
33 Determination of what is indecent or
obscene or offensive or harmful to
pubic morals
For the purposes of this Act a matter or thing, or
the manner in which any matter or thing is depicted, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be—
(a) indecent or obscene if—
(i) it has the tendency to deprave or corrupt
the minds of persons who are likely to
be exposed to the effect or influence
thereof or it is in any way subversive of
morality; or
(ii) whether or not related to any sexual
content, it unduly exploits horror, cruelty or violence, whether pictorial or otherwise;
(b) offensive to public morals if it is likely to be
outrageous or disgustful to persons who are
likely to read, hear or see it;
(c) harmful to public morals if it deals in an
improper or offensive manner with criminal
or immoral behaviour.
34 Regulations generally
The Minister may make such regulations as he
thinks necessary or expedient for carrying into
effect the purposes of this Act and for its better
administration and, more particularly, providing
(a) anything which in terms of this Act is to be
(b) the convening of meetings of committees of
the Board, and the quorum for and the procedure at such meetings;
(c) the manner in which applications for the
approval of films and public entertainments
[Chapter 10:04]


or any other application to the Board shall be
made, and the fees payable therefor:
Provided that the Minister may grant any
person total or partial exemption from the
payment of such fees;
the manner in which publications, pictures,

Select target paragraph3