Recent developments and the way
1. Developments in the media over the past two/
three years
A – Positive developments
• The legal provisions relating to the media have improved
- Press offences have been decriminalised
- Expansion of the media landscape
- The airwaves have been liberalised
- Online media are developing
• There is a trend towards the free expression of diverse opinions in the
• The relations between the media, the justice system and the security
services have improved
B – Negative developments
• State repression of the public media has intensified
• There is inadequate training to meet the needs of the sector
• There is a strong tendency of partisanship in the media
• Some media houses lack sustainability
• Journalists and media organisations do not show sufficient commitment
to their profession and violate their own rules and regulations
• The internal management of media organisations and associations is weak

2. Activities over the next two/three years


Ensure that all legal instruments relating to the media are available and
circulated to media practitioners
- Academic training for journalists
- Management training
- Refresher courses for journalists
Reinforce the security and protection of journalists and media houses
Improve the working conditions of journalists in the public and private
Establish a nationwide distribution network for the print media
Increase the amount of direct and indirect assistance given to the media



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