imposed by the government through the minister responsible for
Information and Broadcasting exercising his powers under the same
Act. Some of the papers thus affected are: Tanzania Daima, Dira,
Majira and Mtanzania. Some media houses have also been starved of
advertisements as a result of directives from the government.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1

Average score:



Entry into and practice of the journalistic profession is
legally unrestricted.

It is not as if anyone can just walk in and become a proper professional journalist in Tanzania. There are different categories that
perform different functions in this profession like: writers; reporters; columnists; journalists and stringers. However the majority
of personnel practicing journalism in the media industry are not
all that professional. The panelists shared the view that university
graduates, who are supposedly top notch in their profession, do not
perform well as compared to those who are less qualified or practicing out of experience only. As a result of this, most media houses
rely on the latter as their sources of news.
As an administrative procedure, the Director of Information Services provides press cards to journalists who have proved to be devoting at least 50% of their monthly time to and deriving the same
percentage of their income from practicing the profession. These
press cards act as passports to access and cover official functions
and events.

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2006


Select target paragraph3