Sector 3.


Broadcasting regulation is transparent and
independent, the state broadcaster is transformed
into a truly public broadcaster

Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body
adequately protected against interference, particularly of
a political and economic nature.

According to Act no. 12 of 2003 which established the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority, the TCRA is governed by a Board
of Directors whose chairman and vice chairman are appointees of
the President. The minister appoints the CEO and 4 non-executive
members, bringing the number to a total of seven.
Under this Act, a Contents Committee is to perform the following
functions: (i) advise the sector minister on broadcasting policy (ii)
monitor and regulate broadcast content (iii) handle complaints from
operators and consumers and (iv) monitor broadcasting ethics compliance. The panelists observed that the current Board is made up
mainly of retired government officials.
Individual scores:

1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1

Average score:



The appointments procedure for members of the regulatory
body is open and transparent and involves civil society.

As outlined under 3.1 appointments are made by the minister (and
the president himself). It was observed that when the present board

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2006

Select target paragraph3