threats against both. Recommendations emphasised the need to monitor ethical
matters through self-regulation mechanisms, reform restrictive media laws, monitor
the application of international instruments, transform public broadcasting, watch
digital migration, and approve public broadcasting and community radio laws.
Furthermore, this AMB recommended the implementation of codes of conduct
as mechanisms for self-regulation, as well as improved training opportunities and
support for investigative journalism.
2018 AMB
In this AMB, as with the two preceding reports, concerns were raised about the
erosion of freedom of expression due to an environment of fear. In addition, selfcensorship, increased cost of media licences, and a decline in journalism quality
were highlighted. This AMB did not mention any positive developments and noted
Mozambique’s deteriorating general media situation. Recommendations included
awareness training about the democratic role of the media among members of state
functionaries such as the legislature, judiciary and executive; reform of restrictive
laws; introduction of legislation around broadcasting; consultations and review of
the media situation in the country; and monitoring the quality of journalism.

2011 AMB
This AMB highlighted several positive developments, including the establishment
of the Media Ombudsman, positive changes to the public broadcaster, the Namibia
Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the expansion of citizen engagement through short
message service (SMS) and social media, and the digitisation of the country’s media.
Negative developments included Sister Namibia magazine’s indifference to lesbian
issues and the absence of Access to Information legislation. Recommendations
included the need for the Ombudsman's responsibility to extend to monitor the
content of advertising, greater media literacy, build a relationship between civil society
and mainstream media, promote access to information, and expand media diversity.
2015 AMB
The positive developments in this AMB included the increased use of social media,
the establishment of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia, the
inclusion of young people in the media, and improvements in the operation of the
NBC. Negative developments included lack of protection of confidential sources



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