2021 AMB
Several positive developments were acknowledged in this AMB, such as the
diversification of information sources, access to specialised training for journalists,
increased gender inclusivity in the media, economically viable press groups, and
the expansion of digital appropriation by the media and society. However, negative
developments argued that Mali continued to limit freedom of expression and the
media. For instance, the AMB highlighted that the country was characterised by
a lack of legal protection of journalists/media sources, internet censorship, lack
of consultation when drafting laws, lack of editorial independence of the stateowned press, economic precariousness of media companies, advertising used to
exert pressure, lack of regulation of the advertising sector, lack of consideration
of the public interest in allocating frequencies, lack of ethical practices, lack of
collective bargaining, deteriorating security conditions, lack of press subsidies, lack
of regulation of the press online as well as fake news and legal troubles.
Recommendations included advocacy for press-related legislative reforms, organising
a Malian Media Consultative Forum, building capacity on the fundamentals of
journalism, introducing a national event to promote good journalism, and promoting
the AMB as an advocacy tool.

2011 AMB
The 2011 AMB noted that the media in Mozambique was growing in terms of
publications and radio and television stations, that the environment was enabling
freedom of expression (although the government exerted influence on public
media), there was growing public trust in the media, and that there were fewer
legal cases against the media. Recommendations emphasised the need to approve
broadcasting legislation and for civil society to continue working towards the
strengthening of freedom of expression.
2014 AMB
In this AMB, consistency in the growth of the media was noted, the Law of the Right
to Information was approved, a Response Committee for Advocacy of Freedom of
the Press was set up, and the growth of social media use and increased training
opportunities for journalists were highlighted. Continued emphasis on the need
to defend freedom of expression and the interests of journalists implied continued



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