opportunities for journalists. Recommendations included establishing a journalists’
union, establishing an association to look into media issues, and interventions that
improved journalism practices.
2018 AMB
Progress observed by this AMB included the discontinuation of criminal defamation,
the expansion of digital discursive spaces, the acquisition of a printing press, the
introduction of community radio stations and increased public media tolerance.
Negative developments included a lack of media policy, sensationalism, the
impotence of the Broadcasting Disputes Resolution Panel, and partisanship in the
media. Recommendations focused on the need to capacitate the media through
mobilisation of funds, spearheading media reform processes, advocating for a strong
self-regulating media, and promoting professional journalism.

2012 AMB
Positive developments noted in this AMB included the increased diversity of
publications, radio and television stations; increased journalism training schools;
better access to information; and the inclusion of female journalists in newsrooms.
Negative developments included political and economic interference in the media,
the absence of an enabling legal framework, poor working conditions for journalists,
and the impotence of professional journalism organisations. Recommendations
included ensuring the adoption of a legal framework to enable media development
and improving journalists’ working conditions.
2016 AMB
This AMB highlighted transformations fostered by the increased adoption and use
of digital tools and media. It noted improvement in multi-mediality in the collection
of information, its treatment and the quality of writing, sound and image. It also
reported increased programme diversity, with local shows enjoying preference.
Negative developments included the media’s involvement in information blackmail
and limited regulation, which opened up space for abuse of power by authorities
and, arguably, by the media itself. Recommendations included improvement in
the working conditions of journalists (as this impacts the quality of their work
and ethical practices), the development of a self-regulatory framework and body



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