Individual scores:			

1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1

Total score:				


Average score:			


3.5		 The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through
		 a board representative of society at large and selected in 		
		 an independent, open and transparent manner.
Again, there is no question of public accountability since the public
is hardly, if at all, involved in the composition of the board of directors of state owned broadcasters. The board of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) is appointed by the government and consists of
party members with a media background. Neither civil society nor
the journalistic profession or even NUJ usually have representatives
on the board.
Examples from different parts of the country were given to buttress
the top-heavy, centralized and state-directed decision making processes such as the appointment of boards by the governors of the
respective states.
Although the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN)-Act specifies the members of the board often a sole administrator has been
appointed by the President on recommendation of the Minister of
In 2003 the NTA board had started to show signs of independence
but was sacked for that reason.


African Media Barometer - Nigeria 2008

Select target paragraph3